I’m often asked why I do what I do. In part my love of Chiropractic comes from a fascination and awe of the human body. It’s a veritable festival of homo sapien phenomena! My 5 year degree taught me a lot about the ins and outs of the human body and amongst other things, typical patient presentations. So, with that fresh in mind, cue graduation and discovering that, more of the time than expected, the human body decides it’s going to behave it’s own way and present atypically to all the books.
One such fascinating example of the human body’s apparent impertinence towards “the norm” is shown above with the kind permission to display it from one of my patients. At first glance you easily see the outline of the lumbar spine side on. If you look in front of that, then you should be able to make out a very large and grey egg-like structure that spans from the height of the entire lumbar spine and projects forwards. What you re seeing is a relatively common condition – Fibroids.
This particular example is that of only one solitary fibroid and this particular one is gigantic! Certainly the biggest one I’ve ever come across.
I’m sure many women reading this may well have had fibroids in their lifetime- they are, on the whole, common with around 1 in 3 women developing them. These non-cancerous growths can vary in size from tiny to this which is comparable to a 5 month old foetus or, for fruit fans out there, a Honeydew Melon.
And what makes this even more fascinating is that the lady in question is, for the most part, asymptomatic despite it! I find it so
incredible to think that something this large and seemingly so invasive to our bodies can be so inconsequential.
For those wishing to know a little more about fibroids they are quite often only discovered via routine gynaecological investigations, however, some women may experience any or all of the following :
*Lower back pain
*Heavy periods or painful periods
*Abdominal pain
*Need to urinate more often
*Pain or discomfort during sex
*Rare cases fibroids can affect pregnancy or cause infertility
As Chiropractors, when someone comes in with low back pain, it’s important that we take a thorough case history inclusive of their medical history no matter how unrelated it might appear, in order to help formulate a correct care plan. As you can see in the list above of possible symptoms from fibroids, lower back pain is right there.
Although in this particular case study, the lady in question presented with back pain long before the development of this fibroid which, as mentioned before, has itself remained largely asymptomatic despite its enormity.
But part of our training is to ask a lot of questions. It feels a little like being a detective sometimes and I love it. Even if we are sometimes thrown a honeydew mel.. a curve ball.